Help! I needed a cake in a hurry and I discovered a recipe called Earthquake cake for which I had all the ingredients. It didn’t call for vigorously shaking the cake pans, rather its name came from the way it looked once cooked: chocolate cracks and crevices with cream cheese filling peeking through the surface. In spite of its lack of visual appeal, it was tasty enough to disappear at the church Youth Banquet. It further enabled me to boast that I had “caused” an “earthquake”, producing a chuckle or two from my (few) tolerant friends!
Recently, I discovered that there was a group of people who really did “cause” an “earthquake”…their story is found in Acts 4:23-31. It occurs right after the apostles Peter and John are arrested for healing a lame man and then preaching Christ to the amazed crowd that gathered. Once released, they returned to the gathering of believers to report their experience and the whole group united in prayer and praise. A close look at their prayer, recorded by Luke, shows that they had a simple request of the Lord. In a similar situation, I probably would have prayed for future safety from the authorities or comfort in the midst of hardship. Surprisingly, that was the last thing on their minds, even though they weren’t unmindful of the dangers they faced. No, these dedicated disciples prayed for boldness! Boldness to continue to tell about their resurrected Lord, boldness to heal in His name, boldness to show the unbelieving world the power of faith! Their prayers so excited God that the Bible tells us “the place where they had gathered together was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31).” Not only did they “cause” an earthquake but also, their prayers were instantly answered! Wow! What are you asking God for that might cause an earthquake in your prayer life or that might lead God to provide an instant answer? Comfort? Safety? Or boldness to share Christ?
© H. J B 11/11
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